Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Flamin Galah Brewing Co - (Award Winning) Hazy Pale Ale Recipe

In a recent YouTube video, Flamin Galah Brewing Co ran through a double brew day of their award winning Hazy Pale Ale, and were kind enough to share the recipe in the description of the video as well. We've gone ahead and created a scaled down version of the recipe which we'll include below along with a breakdown of key parts of the recipe and a link to the recipe on Brewfather.


As much as we enjoy creating our own recipes from scratch, we definitely love it when a professional brewery are kind enough to share their own recipes as well. In this post we're going to be taking a look at the recipe for Flamin Galah's Hazy Pale Ale.

Flamin Galah's description for this beer is below;

A true to style hazy pale ale which won a gold medal in the IBA awards 2022. A deliciously fruity and tropical hazy pale packed with citrus, tropical, herbal and pine aromas followed by flavours of pineapple, mango & fruit tingle. Hopped with Citra, Mosaic & Eldorado hops.

The description tells us pretty much everything we need to know, so let's go ahead and take a look at the homebrew scale version of this recipe.

The Hazy Pale Ale as it appears on the Flamin Galah website

Recipe Notes

Before we get into the actual recipe, it's worth diving into some of the key areas of the recipe to understand how it all fits together to get us the desired end result.


The Flamin Galah website states this beer has 31 IBU's, but the provided recipe has 15 IBU's. We've posted a message on the YouTube video to hopefully clarify this.

Reduced Brewhouse Efficiency

We've dropped our brewhouse efficiency for this recipe from our usual 75% to 70% as we normally see a reduction when incorporating oats in the grain bill.

Water Profile

Flamin Galah didn't state what sort of water profile they use for this beer in the recipe they provided in their YouTube video. We've also asked this in our comment on their YouTube video.

We're taking an educated guess for this one, and going with 100 ppm of calcium, 170 ppm chloride and 50 ppm sulphate, giving a chloride to sulphate ratio greater than 3:1 to promote that fuller, softer mouth feel.

Starting/Finishing Gravity

The starting (original) gravity is not stated in the recipe but Sam does mention in the video they are shooting for an original gravity of 1.047.

Expected starting gravity is 1.047

The final gravity is 1.011 (stated in the recipe) and combined with the original gravity, gives an estimated ABV of 4.7%, close enough to the 4.8% stated on their website.

Our recipe comes in a couple of points higher at 1.049/1.013 to give us a bit of a buffer in case our efficiency is lower than expected, even with the reduced brewhouse efficiency as we previously mentioned.

Mash Temperature

The recommended mash temperature is 67°C to make a slightly less fermentable wort, ensure a slightly higher finishing gravity, lower ABV and a little more residual sweetness in the beer which is required for a hazy pale ale like this.

Recommended mash temperature is 67°C

Whirlpool Rest

Sam states in the video (35:39) they do a 15 minute whirlpool "rest" with the temperature at around 85°C, but no additional hops are added at this point. This could explain at least some of the discrepancy in the IBU's between the boil additions (15 IBU total) and the stated total of 31 IBU on the website.

Dry Hopping

Dry hopping is done on Day 4 of fermentation. No mention of how long the dry hops should stay in for. We know from other Flamin Galah videos that Sam typically dumps the cone after primary fermentation, not something we have the means to do at the moment. 

We typically dry hop after fermentation is fully complete, however we'll be following the recipe to the letter in this case so will dry hop on Day 4, and leave the hops in the beer until we're ready to transfer.


Possibly the most interesting thing about this recipe is the choice of yeast strain. S-04 is an English ale yeast strain, which we have used a couple of times before, but not your typical choice for a hazy pale. Other strains like Verdant IPA, Lallemand's East Coast Ale, or the more recent Pomona yeast strain would be our usual go-to's for a recipe like this, but once again, we're going to stick to the recipe and we're looking forward to seeing how it turns out with this yeast.

Sam mentions in the video they use a pitching rate equivalent to 0.5g/L, meaning only a single packet of dry yeast is required for a 23L batch.

Wort pH

Another key component of a recipe like this is getting the wort pH correct. The ideal range for most beer styles is 5.2 - 5.6, but Sam specifically states they aim for a 5.2 pH at the end of the mash. pH meters are relatively cheap and easy to use if they're correctly maintained and calibrated before use. 

Aim for a final mash pH of 5.2

We like the KegLand pH Meter and use small amounts of phosphoric acid throughout the boil to slowly adjust the pH of our mash and aim to get it as close to 5.2 as we dare.

Homebrew All Grain Recipe

Big thanks to Flamin Galah for sharing this recipe


  • Batch Volume: 23L
  • Boil Time: 60 minutes
  • Brewhouse Efficiency: 70%
  • Original Gravity: 1.049
  • Final Gravity: 1.013
  • IBU (Tinseth): 15
  • BU/GU: 0.30
  • Colour: 8.5 EBC
  • Expected ABV: 4.7%

Mash Schedule

  • Mash In: 67°C - 60 minutes
  • Mash Out: 75°C - 10 minutes


  • 2.3kg - Barrett Burston Ale Malt (42.6%)
  • 2.3kg - Gladfield Pilsner Malt (42.6)
  • 0.5kg - Gladfield Gladiator Malt (9.3%)
  • 0.2kg - Rolled Oats (3.7%)
  • 0.1kg - Gladfield Wheat Malt (1.9%)


Boil Hops

  • 50 mins - Citra - 3.7 IBU
  • 15 mins - El Dorado - 5 IBU
  • 5 mins - Mosaic - 4.8 IBU

Whirlpool - 15 minutes @ 85°C

  • Perform whirlpool step but no additional hops are added.

Dry Hops

  • Mosaic - 96g (4.16g/L) - Day 4 of fermentation
  • Citra - 48g (2.10g/L) - Day 4 of fermentation


  • SafAle S-04 English Ale Yeast (Dry - 1 Packet)

Fermentation Temperature

  • 22°C

Water Profile 

  • Ca2+ (Calcium): 100
  • Mg2+ (Magnesium): 4
  • Na+ (Sodium): 21
  • Cl- (Chloride): 170
  • SO42- (Sulfate): 50
  • HCO3- (Bicarbonate): 38

Brewfather Recipe Link

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