Tuesday, 11 March 2025

How to Set and Adjust a Spunding Valve for Pressure Fermentations

Spunding valves are a relatively simple but crucial bit of equipment when dealing with pressure fermentation. A spunding valve allows you to set a predefined level of pressure within your pressure fermenter which the valve will maintain by venting or releasing any pressure above this predefined level.

Monday, 10 March 2025

How to Improve Mash Efficiency with Your BrewZilla System

A big factor for many brewers is the efficiency they're able to get from their equipment. Efficiency refers to how much sugar they're able to extract from the malts or grains in their recipe - and the more you can extract, the better (and stronger) your beer will be. In this post we'll look at some methods you can use to ensure you're getting maximum efficiency from your BrewZilla all-in-one brewing system.

Sunday, 9 March 2025

FermZilla - All Rounder - Leak Troubleshooting Guide

The Kegland FermZilla is a great bit of kit that can be used for pressure fermenting. When fermenting under pressure though, it's important that the vessel does not have any leaks. Thankfully, the All Rounder model is quite simple in it's design, so there's really only a few places that leaks can come from, so troubleshooting it really isn't all that hard. Is your FermZilla leaking or not holding pressure?

Friday, 7 March 2025

BrewZilla 3.1.1 - Brew Day Step by Step Instructions

The Kegland Brewzilla is an excellent piece of brewing hardware but is missing some detailed instructions on how to actually use it. We've compiled this post as a follow up to our Getting Started & FAQ, to give an easy to follow step by step guide on completing a full brew day using the BrewZilla.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

KegLand Bottle Filler Beer Gun - Review


After making the jump from bottling to kegging - we still wanted a way to be able to bottle our beer occasionally so we could share it with friends and family - or take a couple of bottles to parties etc. Counter pressure bottle fillers looked good but cost more than what we were willing to pay - so we thought we'd give the KegLand Bottle Filler Beer Gun a try. 

Monday, 3 March 2025

Why Fresh Wort Kits Are Perfect for Beginner Homebrewers

If you've ever been curious about homebrewing but felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the process, fresh wort kits might just be the perfect solution for you. These kits offer a fantastic entry point into the world of homebrewing, combining convenience with quality to help you brew your own beer with ease. Here's everything you need to know about fresh wort kits and why they are one of the best ways to get started with the worlds greatest hobby - homebrewing.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

KegLand BrewZilla 3.1.1 - Getting Started Guide & FAQ


The Kegland BrewZilla is an excellent piece of brewing hardware - an all-in-one brewing vessel at a great price point makes it the perfect way to get into all-grain brewing. One thing I noticed that was lacking though was instructions beyond putting the BrewZilla together - ie. how to actually brew with it and how best to utilise it's great features. The guide below will hopefully be a good starting point to new BrewZilla users on key concepts and features of the unit.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

How to Brew Better Beer at Home: Essential Tips for Homebrewers


Homebrewing beer is a rewarding and enjoyable hobby that allows you to create unique and personalized brews right in the comfort of your own home. However, achieving consistently high-quality beer can be challenging, especially for those new to the craft. Over the years, we've experimented with various techniques and learned valuable lessons that have significantly improved the quality of our homebrews.