Friday, 28 June 2024

Undersink Water Filter Installation for Homebrewers: A Complete Guide

There's no disputing the importance of water when brewing your own beer - being the single biggest ingredient, it's critical you're using quality and good tasting water when making your beer. Unsurprisingly, if you're water quality and taste is poor, then this will likely have a detrimental impact on your beer.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Stone & Wood Pacific Ale - Official Clone Recipe

Stone & Wood Pacific Ale All Grain Clone Official Recipe Birallee Brewing title image

We've had a couple of attempts at brewing the Stone & Wood Pacific Ale, and whilst our attempts have been OK, we're still not quite there in terms of accurately replicating this awesome beer.

Monday, 24 June 2024

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Pacific Pale Ale - All Grain Recipe

Birallee Brewing Pacific Ale All Grain Recipe title image

We've produced a couple of beers that haven't turned out recently - more specifically, they are way too bitter and really lacking any hop punch or aroma. We're thinking the culprit here may be excessive sulfate levels in our water profile (using the Brewfather Hoppy water profile), so for our next batch we're going to make a fairly simple "Pacific Ale" recipe - aptly named as a nod to the original Stone & Wood Pacific Ale that features galaxy hops and wheat malt.

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Does the RAPT Pill work in a stainless fermenter?

The RAPT Pill from KegLand is an incredibly popular piece of homebrewing equipment, providing an affordable and easy to use way for brewers to monitor the progress of their fermentations. (If you're after more detail on exactly what the RAPT Pill does, check out our RAPT Pill Review).

Thursday, 6 June 2024

2024 Homebrewing Trends - Brulosophy General Homebrew Survey Results

We're big fans of Brulosophy, and every year they conduct a survey amongst the homebrewing community to gain various data points, and then share the results publicly via their website. It's pretty neat and a great way to gain some insights into trends in hombrewing.

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Raspberry Sour - All Grain Recipe

This one has been on our to-brew list for some time now, so it's finally time we had a go at our first sour beer.