Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Awesome 4Some - West Coast IPA - All Grain Recipe

This will be our second attempt at a West Coast IPA. Our first version was pretty decent, but we overdid it with the malt and ended up with something a little too sweet for our liking. In this version we've dialed back the crystal/specialty malts, and put in some munich malt instead for a bit of complexity without being too overwhelming or distracting from the hops which should be taking centre stage. We're also going with a different hop combination to our previous version, just to keep things fresh and mix it up a bit.

Friday, 15 March 2024

Mexican Lager - BrewZilla Brew Day

It seems that lately we've been having at least some kind of problem our set back every time we brew a batch of beer. Well, this one was no exception, and whilst the problem we encountered ultimately wasn't a huge deal, it certainly could have been a bit worse, and gave us a timely reminder that making beer can sometimes be dangerous. Read on to find out more about what happened.

Spike Brewing Recipe Feature - American Amber Ale

We're incredibly proud to have our American Amber Ale recipe featured on the Spike Brewing recipe blog - which is a great resource and list of tried and true homebrew recipes submitted to Spike by various customers and brewers from around the world.

Friday, 8 March 2024

Mexican Lager - All Grain Recipe

For reasons we don't fully understand, Mexican Lagers seem to be going through a bit of a trending/hype phase right now, with most craft breweries now offering their own take on the classic cerveza.