Thursday, 21 September 2023

KegLand - BlowTie 2 Spunding Valve - Long Term Review

In order to leverage the many benefits of pressure fermenting, a key piece of equipment that is required is a spunding valve. The word "spunding" is German, and translates roughly to "bunging" and essentially means to close up or seal. 

Monday, 18 September 2023

All Inn Brewing Co - Kissaki Japanese Lager (FWK) - Review


Sometimes relatively simple beers can be just as satisfying, and potentially even more thirst-quenching than the more complicated (and expensive) hop forward styles like IPA's. We wanted a simple beer to add to our new outdoor kitchen triple-tap setup, and decided to give the Kissaki Japenese Lager from All Inn Brewing Co a try.

Friday, 8 September 2023

BrewZilla - Beerstone - Deep Clean Stain Removal

After using your BrewZilla (or any other vessel/kettle used for brewing), you may notice some brown staining occur on the bottom of the unit where the heating elements are located. This commonly referred to as "beer stone" or calcium oxalate and is a common issue related to brewing.